Monday, April 29, 2013

Proof of God through signs from above...

I used to teach at a high school that was literally three minutes from my house. I now have a 25-30 minute drive to school each way. I accepted a position as a STEM teacher in another district in our county.

I remember before walking in for my second interview, I prayed. I asked God, "If this is where I need to be, help me find the right words and showcase my talents." I was told that I was not a good fit for the position I applied for; instantly, I was crushed. The next statement blew my mind, though. "But, we have this position that we haven't really advertised yet." Lego robotics. Computer applications. STEM and robotic team plans. "Is that something that might be of interest to you?" I walked out, knowing I nailed the interview and gave thanks to God. One week later, Sophia was stillborn.

What should have been a summer filled with planning and learning new ways to teach was spent crying and in this foggy, warped reality. I believe the extra driving time is a gift from God. Now, I use that time to pray, talk (and sometimes yell) at Him, cry, and talk with my daughter. Had I still been teaching close to home, I would not have this coping time.

Today, like every other day of school, I prayed during my drive to work. I asked God to watch over our family and I prayed that He would lead me to be a better man and teacher today. And just like any other day, once I put my car in park, I pulled out my little Guardian Angel coin, rubbed it between my fingers, and talked to my little girl. I told her how much I loved and missed her, and asked her to shine down on me; to share God's love with me. I silently prayed for just a little sign that she was there with me and that she was ok and went about my morning.

Halfway through the day, I ran into an old college friend who was visiting promoting his educational software to our administration team. We talked for a few minutes and I showed him some pictures of our family. He took out his phone and showed me a picture of his family, a boy and a girl. Evan, I believe was his name, and his little girl Sophia.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest and my eyes welled up...there was my sign.

Thanks, Sweetheart. Daddy loves you and misses you so much.

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