Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Signs from above

The other day, I went up to the cemetery to take down Sophie's Christmas tree and spend some time with her. I'd been having a really tough time with the holidays and with school, and the issues kept piling up faster than I could process them.

Afterwards, I came home and took down our Christmas lights. We'd recently had a nice stretch of unseasonably warm weather, so as I took the lights down. I had a chance to take my time and really spend some time talking with God and with Sophie. Soon, I felt calmer and less anxious, and I attributed it to getting some fresh air. I went back in the house, my wife was getting our daughter down for a nap, which meant I could plop down on the couch and relax for a bit. I turned on a random tv show and start vegging out when all of a sudden I notice a sign in the background of the show. Instantly, my heart was warmed and I felt Sophia all around me. I closed my eyes, thanked her, prayed for understanding and peace, and called my wife into the room to see it.

Thanks, sweetheart. Daddy loves you.

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