Tonight, like almost every night when she is tired, our daughter Izzie was talking about her sister. "Sophie died?" she asked with the innocence only a three-year-old could have. "Yeah, Sweetie, she died," replied my wife. Normally Iz follows up with the toddler classic "Why?", but tonight she surprised both of us. "Jesus died, too?" Yeah, Jesus died, too. "God died?" My wife responded, "Well, no. God doesn't die. He created everything around us. He created you and me and Daddy, and Charlie (our dog) and the grass and everything. God sent Jesus here to die for us so that we could be with Him in Heaven one day. And you know what? Everything is perfect in Heaven and everyone we love will be there." Izzie got really excited, "I can play with Sophie and Jesus?" "You sure can!" "That would be so much fun!"
There is so much here I need to see and do, but I am looking forward to the day when everything is perfect and I can hold my daughter once again.
I miss you, sweetheart. Daddy loves you...